A friend has enlightened me to the world of coupons...I mean, I try to clip them out of the paper at mom and dad's on Sundays (the Commercial Appeal doesn't deliver to our house and I always forget to get a paper on Sundays), but those coupons usually go into a little baggie and are never touched again until they get tossed into the trashcan. BUT when I was doing my "blog-stalking" tonight I came across Carrie's and she had listed in the side column websites that you could download coupons to your Kroger card (or you can choose the store where you grocery shop)! So I thought I would share, just as she has!
P&G Solutions
Now if I will just remember I have created an account with these sites...
I also came across a new blog...I put a link to it on the right...the nesting place. God is so good...earlier this evening I had just been venting to Jared about how I was ready for our house to be "done" (now I know, I know...it will never be "done"...but you catch my drift). I came across this blog, from another blog, from another blog, etc. Don't act like you don't do the same thing! But "The Nester" gave me good insights and ideas for things to do around here- cost efficiently!
Oh...and for those grandmothers and others who check the blog for Miles updates...maybe tomorrow!